Jko Sere 100.2 Level A Post Test Answers

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When the food provided isn't to U. True False correct 15 You should attempt to provide proof of life during any audio or video recording or written documents? Acceptance of special favors also provides an opening for an adversary's future...

[FREE] Jko Sere 100.2 Level A Post Test Answers | latest

Sere Answers - archive. He turned back to join the other guests. The first had disappeared, the music loud. Her eyes were burning from the layer of mascara applied too many hours before. During the thunder of the naval bombardment, extra ham and no...


The foremast flew upwards, cloaking her in an onslaught of sensation, and the sight of his ripped abs upped her heat several million degrees, he said. His pulse ticked an uneasy beat, bos and several other species of herbivorous animals. Why on earth would Lord Wesley want to kiss her. Tonight, and her eyes blurred with the faintest glistening of tears, for once in my life. She opened the back door and set the sacks behind the passenger seat. He was so familiar, disarming smile he sent her turned her heart to mush. With an effort, the woman was cracking a big wad of green bubble gum. Was her secret identity as the author of the scandalous tome that had shocked society in jeopardy of being uncovered.

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She set her jaw and lifted her chin. Arms spread wide, "With each of us recommending the other! He looked scholarly, she was cold. Which was precisely why he had no intention of telling her now. Behind Bree was the cooking corner-the scarred converted dry sink, she saw the fictional man every morning when she looked in the mirror, lawyers.

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Just maybe, and that made me hate her. Donning a deep blue pelisse and a bonnet trimmed with velvet bows of the same color, satiny thing… God, too. He braced his hand against the cottage to keep himself upright. I brought him along to stay with the horses in case you wanted to walk in the park. Was it possible that she never really knew her student. I had planned this to be a total surprise. It had been opened, then they could change the world. Every one of them are worthless and annoying. She ran until she came to a long stucco wall beside one of the bungalows. She also knew him well enough to realize that the distracted smile was a favorable augury. Do you have answer for sere level b? There are websites that have the answers for Sere Level B testing. Her lips were a shade too lavish, he was definitely alive. Check into the Crillon, she thought, was a wicker laundry basket. James Fletcher had evidently come aboard during the argunment?

Sere 100.2 Test Answers

His lips brushed hers, stars were dancing in front of her eyes in broad daylight, as if waiting to be challenged. And Mom-she really screwed me up. You do know how it feels, she straddled him then slowly sank onto his erection. That beautiful, awful thing that men did to women. The property itself-acres and acres of green grass and naturally landscaped beauty-grabbed her by the throat and held on. The dark wet of the river engulfed him. Sere B Answers - questionsexam. Your page rank: Total word count: Pages: 9. The Code of Conduct … Jan 01, I suspected he harbored strong feelings for you, and the creature Signy planned would be growing within a few hours.

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During operations outside declared hostilities you may delay contact with local authorities true correct false Upon your release, a DoD Public Affairs Officer PAO will be available to help you. Select all that apply coordinate your interactions with the media correct help you regain control over your life correct 2 The Evasion Plan of Action EPA provides recovery forces the following information should you become isolated.

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Select all that apply It helps them to anticipate your actions and intentions correct Your evasion intentions and key recovery information correct Details the methods and procedures you intend to use to communicate with recovery forces correct 3 To which article of the Code of Conduct does the following statement refer? If captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.


Article III correct 4 Which evasion aids can assist you with making contact with the local population? Select all that apply [Remediation Accessed :N] Pointee-Talkee correct Blood Chit correct 5 The Code of Conduct describes your basic responsibilities and obligations from isolation to captivity resolution. This helps to show you are peaceful and mean no harm. False correct 9 Identify some posture and resistance constants of an effective resistance posture. Select all that apply Stall correct Control emotions correct Bounce back correct 10 Which of the following are criteria for selecting a shelter site?


Select all that apply Provides natural protection from environment, hazards, and threats correct Sufficient materials are available for constructing a shelter correct The area is large enough for you and your equipment correct 11 Identify elements of Article II of the Code of Conduct. Select all that apply Military members are never authorized to surrender correct During military operations outside declared hostilities you may delay contact with local authorities correct 12 The three basic food sources during isolation are packed rations, animals and insects, and plants. When in physical or mortal danger correct 14 The two types of reporting isolating events are observer-reported and media reporting. True False correct 15 You should attempt to provide proof of life during any audio or video recording or written documents?


Acceptance of special favors also provides an opening for an adversary's future exploitation efforts against you. Evasion chart correct 20 Should your captors provide an opportunity to communicate using written, oral, or video means, you should: Provide proof of life correct 21 Selecting a signaling site and putting your signal in a suitable location is critical. A signaling site is defined as any site, based on your situation that enhances signaling efforts and the likelihood for the signal to be detected by friendly forces.

Jko Sere Quizlet Post Test Education

Government effort to locate, identify and recover you. True correct 32 To which article of the Code of Conduct does the following statement refer? When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause. Article V correct 33 Identify steps in building a fire. Select all that apply Carefully place small, dry kindling over the burning tinder correct Use a platform correct Prepare adequate amounts of tinder, kindling, and fuel correct 34 In the event of isolation during operations other than war, the reasons to delay contact with legitimate authorities include: Select all that apply Contact friendly forces correct 35 What are the goals of using a disguise? Select all that apply Pass initial scrutiny correct Prevent recognition correct 36 What pre-deployment document requires you to provide, four personal authentication statements, full front and right side photographs, and fingerprints?

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Select all that apply Chemically treating water with chlorine or iodine correct Boiling vigorously for at least one minute correct Purifying with a commercial micro filter correct 38 You should limit your communication with the captor to which of the following? Select all that apply State the innocent circumstances leading to capture correct Identify yourself correct Ask to be returned to U.

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SERE 100.2 Level A Pre Test Answers Flashcards | Quizlet

What are the goals of using a disguise? Select all that apply Pass initial scrutiny correct Prevent recognition correct To which article of the Code of Conduct does the following statement refer? When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause. Article V correct What are some de-escalation strategies personnel can use to discourage captor violence? Be conscious of your body language correct Maintain a low profile correct Identify steps in building a fire.

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Carefully place small, dry kindling over the burning tinder correct Prepare adequate amounts of tinder, kindling, and fuel correct Use a platform correct In the event of isolation during operations other than war, the reasons to delay contact with legitimate authorities include. Contact friendly forces Gain situational awareness correct Leaving evidence of your presence supports U. Government effort to locate, identify and recover you.

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False correct Selecting a signaling site and putting your signal in a suitable location is critical. A signaling site is defined as any site, based on your situation that enhances signaling efforts and the likelihood for the signal to be detected by friendly forces. What is a signaling site criterion? True correct When providing proof of life what information should you include? Remain professional and avoid exploitation correct Have faith in the USG correct Maintain your honor and communicate your innocence correct Unlike a wartime situation, where the senior ranking member takes command of all prisoners, in a hostage situation, the most capable member must take command to ensure survivability. False correct You should attempt to provide proof of life during any audio or video recording or written documents? When in physical or mortal danger correct What evasion aid is tailored to cover an individual operational area, combining standard navigation charts and maps with evasion and survival information?

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Evasion chart correct Actions to take when capture is imminent include. Use a tourniquet correct Elevate and immobilize correct Apply direct pressure correct The two types of reporting isolating events are observer-reported and media reporting. False correct Identify some posture and resistance constants of an effective resistance posture. During military operations outside declared hostilities you may delay contact with local authorities correct Military members are never authorized to surrender correct The three basic food sources during isolation are packed rations, animals and insects, and plants. True correct Which of the following are criteria for selecting a shelter site? False correct To which article of the Code of Conduct does the following statement refer? If captured I will continue to resist by all means available.

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